Thursday, September 29, 2005


Hey you guys. Well, looks like I really can't post pictures. Trying my best (just spent the last hour trying different ways) but I'm getting tired of trying.

This morning's class went OK. Did some discliplining by moving a guy who was talking too much. Moved him straight across the room. Went OK after that, although he is disruptive. Feel weird having to discipline students in freaking university, but what can you do...

Well, looks like I'm going to Shandong next week. Melanie's coming, which I hadn't planned on, and maybe her American friend Candice if she can find a ticket this late (wouldn't count on it). This is the deal: if you want to buy a train ticket, you can only buy one four days in advance. Not five, that's too early, and not three, that's too late, but exactly four days ahead. The ticket centre opens at 7 PM and you better be there early or else you're too far back in the line and the chances you don't get to the front in time to get a ticket are greater (seeing as this isn't the only ticket-selling place in Beijing). Tickets sell fast.

Let's hope my friend Jessie gets her American visa so she can go back to work in Washington for National Geographic Traveler.

I have nothing to eat and I'm kind of hungry. Good thing we're being invited to eat out tonight. "We" being the foreign teachers, or "foreign experts" as we're called.

It's raining hard. Rained all day. Kind of depressing. It forces me to stay indoors and relax. I'm enjoying it. Need to practice writing my Chinese name...

And with that I leave you to your thoughts.


Blogger tedzsee said...

posting pictures:

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