Saturday, September 24, 2005

Friday night specials...

Hello again.

Well last night was Friday night and it should've been a big party night, but it wasn't. Nothing special. I went out (Sanlitun - the international bar district) but was in my bed by 1:30 AM. The group of friends that I left behind (to get to bed early) got kicked out of the club we go to for free drinks, because the girls were giving the guys their drinks. It was quite the spectacle. Melanie's hair got pulled by a female worker at the club - it was pathetic! Melanie was ready to call the cops but that wouldn't change anything here. They went to the club next door (that's apparently much better but where we have to pay for drinks...) until the wee hours of the morning. I was glad I had gone home...couldn't take another crazy party night. Won't be going to the "Pure Ladies" club anymore (where we used to get free drinks) - they're crazy!

Last Thursday afternoon I spent with two of my students walking around the centre of the city. Bought myself an Adidas sweatshirt (a real one thank you very much). It's super warm and super comfy. We went for Peking Duck at a restaurant in the centre of the city. For some reason it wasn't as good as the duck I had eaten at the restaurant outside my university - and it cost three times as much! But it could just be that I don't know anything about duck tastes... We were invited by one of my student's guy friends. He knew maybe three words of English and I know maybe three words of Chinese, but my students translated and we were able to communicate OK with sign language too...:) It was really nice of him to invite us, especially since he didn't know me....

I bought some flash cards to help me learn Chinese. I practiced writing some characters. I'm gonna be a pro soon, just you watch me! (yeah right)

Alright, my friend Katia's waiting for me so I should go, but I hope you're all doing well and continue telling me the news of your lives!


Blogger tedzsee said...

pilates? oh-kay then.


9:48 AM  
Blogger Caro said...

Yes, it sucks to have junk mail. It arrives right when I post too.

1:31 PM  

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