Wednesday, September 28, 2005

This one's for Rachel

Alright, the only reason I'm writing is cuz this is my friend Rachel's homepage and she likes to read something new everyday, and I don't want to disappoint...

My Chinese name is Su Lin and I learned how to write it today. Some of Josh's former colleagues gave me the name and every Chinese person I've talked to has said it's a good name. Now I can actually write it! Yay!

I just came back from a Beijing Opera. It started at 7:35 and ended at 10:05 - two and a half hours with only a ten-minute intermission. It was kinda long... It was actually a concert that mixed classical Western music and traditional Chinese opera - including the traditional Chinese fiddle and the kind-of screechy singing. I'm glad I went, but I was tired. And I missed dinner.

I discovered the video camera function on my camera and have been taking lots of mini videos. I hate not being able to upload pix onto this site. I can't even send any through email. I don't know what the problem is.

Today's classes went well. I had first years and they worked well. Tuesdays suck, so it's nice to have good Wednesdays.

What else is new? We bought train tickets to go to Shandong province over the holidays. I lined up with Loic (French teacher at Erwai) at 5 PM outside the train ticket booth, Katia, Gaetan and Guillaume came at 6 PM to take over. Tickets went on sale at 7 PM. Loic and I had to leave for the Opera at 6.

This afternoon I watched that movie about migrating birds. Loic was showing it to his class and invited me to watch. It was good to see something of that nature. It's another one of those slow-going but impressive movies!

Alright Rachel, is this enough? I'm super tired and I've got an 8 o'clock class tomorrow morning!!


Blogger tedzsee said...

I don't believe in taking on new names when you go somewhere else.

One of my most hated things in our school system is how Asian kids come here and are "given" new names by people: Bob, Crystal, Jimmy, or whatever the person thought they should be called.

I'd much rather call the kid Yi Xin or Su Lin or whatever their Real name is.

A name should mean something, is what I think.

3:45 AM  
Blogger Caro said...

Well that's the problem. Chinese names mean something, English names hardly ever mean anything (or the meaning is cryptic). I think it's cool to have two names. When I'm in my Chinese personality, I can be Su Lin, when I'm in my French personality phase, I can be Caroline with a French accent, and when I'm Vancouver Caroline, I'm what you call me. :-)

It's hard for my students to take on English names when they're still in China. That, I understand. However, it is an English class, and they are supposed to pretend to be "English students" and speak in English, them names helps them get into the role...supposedly....

10:23 AM  

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