Snapshots of Beijing

I didn't talk much about spring in Beijing. There are cherry trees with pink and white blossoms, and many other flowers also could be seen. I didn't realise how brown and grey the campus was until spring arrived and all this new green sprouted about everywhere. It's really quite refreshing.

"I chocolate you" is the slogan for a cell phone. Here's an ad for it in a Beijing subway station.
At the temple we saw these three girls wearing the same top, just in different colours. They looked cool.
Here are the three girls mentioned earlier praying at an alter at the Llama Temple. Aren't they cute?
Life in a Beijing subway...subway rides are always fun in Beijing. It's a great place to people-watch. And the funny thing is, many Chinese people love watching you back too!
We walked around some hutongs and found this child waiting in the back of a pedi-cab.Men playing a Chinese board game in the background, with a typical street worker in the foreground. He's pulling dirt. The players are sitting on bricks.
A famous street corner in Beijing. Can you spot the teapot in the middle of the picture, to the left of the woman-in-pink's head?Children playing in the street.
A street worker. There are quite a few of them in Beijing. On the whole, the streets are pretty clean, but there are many spit-balls squashed on the ground. Look at those green trees!!!
A security guard's head lost in the parasol at the south gate of my university. The red building you see in the background is the building in which I teach most of my classes! The security guards wear huge army coats to keep warm in the winter, and hid under parasols in funny!
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