Sunday, March 26, 2006

cockroach morning

Yes...I found a dried-out dead cockroach lying on its back in front of my closet this morning. It was as big as my index finger. *shudder* It's okay as long as they're dead. However, that probably means that the staff has put poison in my room and I'm unwittingly breathing and eating trace amounts of it....

This is the third dead cockroach I've found in my room.

Okay, I wrote this earlier on in the day. Now it's night time. My day is soon going to be over.

This evening, Katia, Loic and I found ourselves in my apartment, eating real French "foie gras" (for those of you who may not know what that is: I don't think you want to know more than that it's a French delicacy) - left around Christmas time by Guillaume, who had just received a care package from his family - spread on toasts using the toaster oven one of my students had given me last semester, and watching a French soccer match on TV (remember I get a French news channel - TV5), Lyons vs. Toulouse. It was a tie, 1-1. Foie gras is so unbelievably delicious.

A Chinese student of Loic's didn't know what a barbeque was. You can't blame her. Why would the Chinese have BBQs when you can get the same thing (meat on a stick) down the street for less than 20 cents...ready made and maybe even more delicious. Plus - at least in Beijing - there aren't any backyards to hold BBQs.

I didn't study Chinese this week-end. Bad Caroline.


Blogger tedzsee said...

Bad Caroline.

11:44 AM  

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