The Great Wall
It's an experience I wish everyone could have. It's evident why it's considered one of the Great Wonders of the World. I didn't know what to expect. Nobody told us you walked on a paved road to get to the wall. I didn't realise what "un-repaired" actually meant (it means rubble - slippery rubble ready to crumble!). I didn't think it would be such a work-out! It surpassed my expectations.
I don't know what these women expected...luckily I didn't have to put myself in their shoes!!!

I didn't expect so many stairs...imagine four hours of Grouse Grind!

Some amazing views...

Great Wall Graffitti!

Many parts were in disrepair, but this made cool photos!
Some parts were quite steep. Sometims we walked on the sides of stairwells...

It's amazing how satisfying it was to imagine we had walked from a point in the distance that we couldn't even see anymore. Yes, we zig-zagged all that way (that's behind Jessie) and still had the energy to continue!
Steep stairs in both directions - down, and then of course, up.

Steep stairs for children too... We saw a mother carrying her small child down some stairs - that's not recommended!

Phew! It gets hard!
But the views are well worth it...
At least some aren't complaining...
Some more rubbly-stairs in need of "repair."
Some more great views.
Nap time.
Yay! We walked from Jinshaling to Simatai in four hours. Absolutely amazing!!!
We were rarely by ourselves. There were often people around us.
I can't get over the views we had!!!
We made it! It was a trek that took us a couple days to get over. We were pretty exhausted after that. We had had to wake up at 4:45 AM to catch a 6 AM bus in the centre of the city (but it was the cheapest and least hassle-way to get there!) and didn't get to sleep until night-ish (the bus was back in the city centre by 7 PM, but we had to catch a subway home - an hour away at least). The next day we were up early again (8 AM?) in order to catch a glimpse of dead Mao, but his masauleum ended up being closed because it's a holiday!!! We were disgusted...

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