Saturday, August 20, 2005

Last Friday!!!

Thanks to my editor for fixing up the links - that was annoying me and I had no idea what to do about it and I didn't even have to ask you to help me! Wow. What a fabulous editor!

Today was my last Friday!!!

Josh came over and we sipped tea on my back deck with my mother, who asked all sorts of questions (but never enough) about China and classic Chinese opera (which is what Josh is studying and where he's going to work this year). Josh had brought over some Chinese tea and at first I didn't like it, but then I suddenly realised it was delicious! I guess you just have to get used to the initial newness of the taste, but it's really quite good. I liked it a lot.

For lunch I went to the new restaurant on Kits beach (called the Watermark - check it out at with my Canadian cousin who lives in Paris at the moment, his Canadian girlfriend, my mother and my brother. It was beautiful. Their patio is awesome and will soon - if not already - become a city favourite. The food was really good too, we were all happy with what we ate, but it is a little pricey. At least for me it was. Go to the site if you would like to see their menu. The lobster club sandwich was a favourite at our table.

I also packed some more. I washed ten bras. Pierre's like, "Who gets to see all these bras???"

This evening I went out with what my mother calls "the gang," because we've been hanging out together since elementary school (and Nik joined in high school). We went to Moxie's for dinner and dessert and talked for four hours. It was great being a "gang" once again (whatever!). I mean, it was lots of fun, although I was tired. Rachel's going to send me pictures so I'll post them up when I get them.

My brother participated in a 48-hour movie festival (make a movie in 48 hours using a "creative package" given to you by the organisation, which in this case was a drink, a photo, a sound clip of grunting, and a location: tennis courts) and I just watched it and really enjoyed it. I thought everything worked. It's called "Mourning Air" and is about two spouses who are never awake at the same time and communicate by leaving video messages to each other. My brother's the husband. I couldn't believe this was all designed, filmed and edited in 48 hours. Amazing. The screening is this Monday on Granville Island, starting at 6 PM (my brother's film is showing between 7 and 8 PM). I highly recommend you go because I won't be able to. I'd like some of you to tell me how it went! For further information check it out at The venue's called Performance Works, at 1218 Cartwright St on Granville Island.

And that's it for my last Friday in Vancouver (for the year 2005) - boo hoo!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a name yknow!!

7:41 AM  

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