Night out with the girls

This evening I went out with my "girlfriends": Grace, Erika and Rita. And since none of us had a camera, I decided to draw us out so y'all would have an idea of what we looks like. Hope you enjoy my artwork.
We don't get together very often, so it was fun catching up. Erika's leaving August 30th for Montreal, where she'll be doing her master's in biophysics, being the smart, very sweet girl that she is. Hopefully she'll find a cool martial arts club there and continue kicking some ass. Rita's starting to work as a pharmacist and will be visiting Argentina this winter - lucky girl has a personal guide and everything!!! And Grace will always be grace itself - she'll be finishing her law degree soon and wondering what the bleep she's going to do with her life. *sigh*
We went for bubble tea. It wasn't as good as we expected it to be. Oh well. It was so nice to relax together once again. I'll miss Vancouver...
Oh...and one more thing. Erika likes the basic look of my blog, and I respect Erika's opinion, so maybe I should keep it simple...
Two words: RICE QUEEN.
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