Yosuke (left) and Shao Long (Chinese name) - my boat companions who did all the work of peddling the boat around for an hour: thank you!!!

"The other boat" - Meng Jiu Sheng (Chinese name), Kenji, and the two Chinese women friends of Yosuke's.

Kenji and Meng Jiu Sheng knew a photo was being taken, but not Yosuke (green shirt) or Shao Long (in white)...

Kenji, me, and Yosuke inside a pagoda. There is supposed to be a view but...

Kenji & I. Kenji probably spoke the least Chinese; well, he spoke the least period, of all of them. Silent type. But has a great smile!!!

Can't delete specific pictures without deleting all of them, so here's the same pic over again...

A group picture. Shao Long's making a face and Yosuke's laughing at him.

Kenji and Shao Long goofing off. There are a lot of boulders that are fun to climb, even though we're technically not supposed to.
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