My room: Part 1
Blogger's not cooperating again, so pictures will have to come in two installments... I wanted to bring you from the exterior of our building to my room as if you were walking the same route I do...but since blogger won't let me put up the pictures I want, this will have to do.
Our entertainment area. The TV and fridge (bottom right) are gifts from the residence. The water machine's Ming Ji's (my roommate's) and it's great to have hot water whenever you want.
Our room...
You would have had the view from the entrance too, so you could see the window beside our two desks. Oh well, soon...
The two bags I bought while shopping with Ming Ji and Nur (from Turkey) last Tuesday I think it was. I bought the small pretty one for 50 yuan (70 yuan = $10 Cdn). It was my first purchase of the day and I knew I had gotten ripped off, so then I bought two Kate Spade bags for 50 yuan. One of them went to Nur. I also got a shop keeper to go down from 380 to 85 yuan for a very pretty beaded bag that Nur wanted. I was proud of my bargaining skills, even though it's like gambling, although you get the high of feeling like you're winning, deep down you know you're losing.
If we didn't have Ming Ji's water machine we'd have to walk down the hall with our "container" (two examples are shown on the bottom left; every room has one of these things) to this old thing, which constantly has hot water. Those containers are powerful things, though (although foreigners don't use them), keeping water hot for up to three days (I experimented last year)! Chinese students all have one of these containers and they have to go to a certain hot water dispensing area (often outside) to get their hot water. They also have to line-up to shower (the showering area is also outside their dorms).
The washing-machine area, right beside the hot-water dispenser. Our floor has this area, while the floor underneath has a kitchen with a microwave and hot plates.
Our hallway.
The view from our 7th floor. Not the view from our window, but from across the hall. In the distance you can see the sports grounds of the university across the street from our university. Our dorm is on the edge of campus.
The building in front of us. You can see the mountains in the distance. Last year that's where I went with my students and some friends to go "skiing." Sunsets are very pretty from this balcony that we have on our floor (public balcony).

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