The Great Wall - people shots
Yesterday (Saturday) I went to the Great Wall with the rest of the foreign student population of Beishida (the university I attend). It doesn't cost a thing to go when you go with the school, which is a nice bonus. We spent six hours in the bus (3 there and 3 back) and three hours at the wall and it was exhausting.
Me and a new Korean friend I met on the wall. Although he's Korean, he's been studying Chinese for three years already in JAPAN, so he speaks Japanese as well. And his English is quite good.
A mother and child posing while the father (out of the pic) took a shot.
Me on the Great Wall!
Me holding a Beishida flag - Bei Jing Shi Fan Da Xue.
Two Japanese girls we climbed with - very picturesque!
Me and a Korean guy who lives in my dorm and with whom I had dinner on Friday (his roommate's Japanese). We climbed the Wall together.
Me and my classmate who I happened to meet on the Wall. She's Korean.

Yay! I can comment! (But can you read my comment!) Nice pictures by the way. From what I can see, it seems as though you're visiting a part of the wall that has been rebuilt. It looks like you're having fun. I'm jealous. ^__^. It's Friday night and what am I doing? Studying for a quiz for my class on Saturday morning. :-(
<3 grace
talk to you soon.
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