
Yikes, I forgot to register today... Missed the 9 o'clock start. Supposed to register for a UBC Chinese history course - by correspondance. Argh!
F*ck, I didn't pay the $100 registration fee. Why the h*ll does this always happen to me? Ah well. Tis life. I'll deal with it tomorrow...
Just finished reading a great little children's book set in Ethiopia. The author's Quebecois and the book's in French. How stylish is that?
Probably left the book I've been reading, Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky, at my father's place when I went to visit him yesterday. I'm hoping that's where I "left" it.
Katia and Loic made it safe and sound to France. Glad to hear it.
I start swimming lessons this evening. Yikes!
Oh right, that's me in the cold of winter in Beijing, practicing a super secretive, very difficult Chinese sport - Canadian style! Notice the campus is deserted - that's because it's too cold to be outside!!!
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