Sunday, March 05, 2006

My week-end

Katia's housewarming party was super - I was very happy. There were lots of people - Japanese, Korean, Chinese, German, Russian, Canadian, French, French-Canadian :-) And I spoke Chinese! (kind of) I ended up sleeping over at Katia's. So did Loic (he slept on the sofa - such a gentleman). We woke up around noon today and watched a French movie about married couples that didn't stop yelling at each other.

Then we (the three of us) went to North Gate and took the first bus that had free seats and we got off at a random stop and walked around for a bit.

Katia suggested we go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant she had been to with Guillaume, so we walked for a good half hour, probably longer, until we finally found the place. It was actually all-you-can-eat drinks (bubble tea and slushies) and ice-cream. Very funny. For 18 yuan ($3 Cdn). I drank two bubble teas, a slushy, and three ice-creams.

The only other thing we had eaten that day was OJ and chips and a couple slices of Russian cheese.

When we came back we had more substantial food at the campus cafeteria. I was glad I hadn't spent the whole day on campus - we actually went out and walked around and enjoyed the nice weather.

I'm so glad I don't work on Monday...brilliant!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

vachement bien toutes tes photos du sud, le chameau, la me,r ça me donne envie de me baigner.
je vais aller prendre ma douche.
vive la chine,

7:19 AM  

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