family pictures
Because we were visiting Xiao Sheng's home province, we saw a lot of his family. Here's a picture of his aunt and uncle's family in their home, where we ate a couple dinners.
Xiao Sheng is in red, with his cousin's 7-year-old son, who beat Nicole and me at chess in three moves (but then we beat him in a game that took over an hour...:P). I'm between his cousin and his aunt. They were very warm, welcoming people. At dinner the uncle would clear his throat and pronounce that he had something to say in English before saying his one phrase in English, it was pretty funny.
The same family picture, but with Nicole instead of Xiao Sheng.
Here we are at a restaurant in ZhanJiang. From L to R: Nicole (in purple), Xiao Sheng's "older brother" (cousin), his fiancee, Xiao Sheng's aunt, and me. We spent an evening with the cousin - we walked along the beach and went to a bar, it was nice.
From L to R: Nicole, Xiao Sheng, me, Xiao Sheng's mother, grandmother and father.
In Xiao Sheng's hometown living room. From L to R: his mother, Nicole, his grandmother, me, Yang Yang, and...I'm not sure what the relationship of this guy is, I was never introduced - probably another cousin. Xiao Sheng's in the striped t-shirt.

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