Friday, December 23, 2005

Yay! New Post!

So I know it's been a while and people have been asking me what's going on, so here's a run-down.

Monday I had no hot water. I washed my hair and that was it. The whole day I was left in the cold, and when it's freezing outside it's not so pleasant.

Tuesday the cleaning lady came and got my toilet fixed yet again.

Wednesday morning the toilet sounded like it was going to overflow and nobody at the front desk seemed to care. But when I came back from work it was working again, but I had to take off the tank's top to flush again...*sigh*

Chinese class has taken up a lot of my time. Outside of class I study a lot too. And then I've been preparing for my students' final oral exams which are happening next week.

I received a few Christmas cards from my students. Well, actually, I received a couple and they're all from one class (Wednesday morning) so now I'm wondering why...

After Chinese school I've been spending some time practicing my Chinese and going over my Chinese work with Xiao Sheng and Yang Yang. They're both good teachers for their own reasons. I enjoy working with them.

Last night I spent three hours watching old episodes of Friends - Xiao Sheng bought all ten seasons for 300 RMB! The mouths' movements don't always correspond to the sound of the voices (not synchronized) but it's fun to watch - didn't realise what I was missing in Vancouver!

Gaetan got asked to be a gigolo by a Chinese guy in one of the study rooms where Gaetan goes to study...kinda funny. If he wants he can make my monthly salaray easily in a few nights...not that he's thinking of doing it! :-)

Katia tried to decorate Loic & my room, as well as her own (which I haven't seen yet!), but the decorations (the tinsel) fell down... I should get lights. I like lights...

Yesterday I had a funny day. I do such disparate things. In the morning I had class, then I came home and talked to friends in Vancouver over MSN, then I went to my office to talk to my boss and on the way bumped into some Korean friends. My boss invited me to lunch at the nearest cafeteria, which I had never been to, and we sat with some coworkers I had never seen before, and they talked to me in their broken English, and I was too tired to think and didn't know what to say, but they invited me to lunch next week, and to a party Monday evening. Then in the afternoon I watched a French movie in Loic's class (Loic teaches French) and I was the only one who laughed because there were no subtitles and the Chinese students couldn't understand. The movie was called "Tais-toi" (Shut-up) with Gerard Depardieu and Jean Reno (two famous French actors) and it was an entertaining comedy. Then there was hardly any time to study before Chinese class, where I spent two hours not really understanding my teacher, but getting the gist and being able to read the Chinese characters (I love Chinese school!). We finish at 7 PM and we go have dinner together in the cafeteria usually, but this time we went to a Muslim restaurant just above the cafeteria - Guillaume, Katia, Loic, Gaetan and me, the original French crew. We syruped (French origin) there for a while. And then I went to watch a few hours of Friends - how random is that?

Weird. Anyway, I've got class. My cell phone doesn't work. Ran out of batteries last night and I wasn't able to recharge the battery for some reason. It could be the chord's problem, the phone battery's dead, or my phone has simply gone kaput (I certainly hope not!!!). Sigh. Life sucks without a cell phone. All of my students' numbers were in it, which means I can't get in touch with them about the exam next week.

Hope you're all doing well in your part of the world!


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