Sunday, December 11, 2005


I'd like to congratulate a few of my friends for getting on in their lives and completing a few life-altering steps.

Rachel Pan just got herself what sounds like an amazing job! She'll be working as an accountant next year until May, at which point she'll go back to school to learn to be a Chartered Accountant - paid for by her company, thank you very much!!! I'm so happy for her!

Cheryl Li has an interview with on Monday - good luck! She wants to be a web developer, which would be way cool in the world of I hope to get some discounts!

***up-date*** Cheryl's job is in Seattle!!! ***up-date***

Lucas TdS got a job as a TOC teaching music until Christmas break. This is old news. He's been teaching a while now. What a trooper!

Nicole finished her LSAT (yay!) and is applying for law schools as well as looking into an International Development Project Management program in Toronto...sounds cool to me!

My brother had his house-warming party (finally his apartment's finished!!!) and I can't wait to look at the final product when I come back in January.

I wish you all the best!


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