Locals and transportation...
Some Chinese men watching us as we crossed the bridge. Not even sure if they're locals or not. Might be migrant workers from the countryside...
A man sitting on old railway tracks (at least we think that's what they were...). He looked at us more than we looked at him...
We took a mini-bus from our "hotel" into town (the nearest "big" town, called "Miyun") - there were ten of us. We spent a little less than an hour in the mini-bus I think.
In Miyun we caught a bus to Dongzhimen - a Beijing subway station. We spent around two hours in this air-conditioned "big bus." 
Many people slept (including me!) on this big bus. Here's Mariana and Branko (who usually slept with his mouth open, it was funny), and Simon's by the window.

Many people slept (including me!) on this big bus. Here's Mariana and Branko (who usually slept with his mouth open, it was funny), and Simon's by the window.

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