Still sick
It sucks because I'm not *that* sick - I pretty much just feel crappy. So I can do stuff, just nothing big.

Hence the ballons - they were a small attempt at decorating my place. This is my living room with the remains of the dinner party on the table. I usually put the table near the window - it's a nice place to work. At the back and to the right you can see my (white) desk on which can be found my two computers - the one the school gave me (flat screen) and my laptop.
The white box on the top left is my air conditioning. It can also heat the place up if I like, but the internal heating system works fine for now. I'm never cold.
My entrance hall. To the left is my front door. To the right is the (dark) door to the kitchen. Before it is the opening to the hallway which leads to my room and the bathroom. The fridge is found here because I don't have too much space in my kitchen...
My kitchen! To the left, right beside the door, is my useless washing machine (it only uses cold water), but I use it anyway to get rid of bad smells. It looks like there's lots of room to put stuff but some of the cupboards are too high for me to reach and the cupboards down below are too low! But I shouldn't complain. I like my kitchen. To the left is a nice big window which gives onto the hallway where everyone passes to go to their rooms.
My bedroom...Loic says it's nice because it looks "lived in." The problem is the closet they gave me is much too skinny to put anything in truly is useless! So all my clothes go in a heap on my bed and I haven't taken the time to organize the piles yet... And I have nowhere to put my three suitcases. But again, I like my room. It's cozy.
The other side of my room. Can you see the thinness of my closet? If I put hangers in there I can't close the doors so they're always open... The pictures are of my trip to Israel with Nicole.
The stylish door to my bathroom. Fancy, eh?
My bathroom. I'm so lucky to have a shower with a door!!! Although it doesn't keep the shower from leaking - every morning there's water on the ground, which is why I have that green towel to mop up the leakage.
Ooooh...this is the infamous glass sink that broke in the apartment above mine. And in the foreground is my treasured floss (round thing that I found at Carrefour last week for $4.50 Cdn; there was a whole aisle of toothbrushes and toothpaste - like in every Chinese supermarket - but there was only the choice of this one dental floss string or those floss pick things that I dislike) and deodorant.
And that's my apartment! I really think I'm living the good life - I have everything I could possibly need.
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