
I didn't tell you, but Saturday night Katia and Loic were over at my place when we heard this enormous "BOOM!" coming from upstairs. So we went upstairs and I knocked on the door but there was no answer. The guy two floors above me opened his door to say that he thought it came from above *him,* and that's when Loic felt that the noise must've come from outside.
The next morning the guy from upstairs, a 66-year-old American, showed me what had happened while he was sleeping (supposedly): the glass sink in his bathroom had broken into a million pieces! What a disaster! There was glass all over the place. He still hasn't had it replaced, although the glass has been cleaned up. It's a mystery as to how the glass suddenly broke like that (some people think he sat on his sink - but why would he do that around midnight?). I don't know what to think, except that I hope my glass sink doesn't break while I'm around! Glass sinks are hard to keep clean.
Going to have lunch with Katia and Loic and anybody else who cares to join us.
Today's my free day (only had class from 8-10 this morning) so I'll spend most of it working (preparing classes for next week) and maybe go for a bike ride. Yay!
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